Rhodesian ridgeback
& whippet kenneL


Our pack may be a little unconventional but these two breeds
(whippet and rhodesian ridgeback) won me over so much, I would not change a thing. 

Besides the fact of giving me everything I expect from a
dog, they are also the best buddies. As a kid growing up around animals I always wanted a dog. It
was my dream. My first dog was a female Labrador (Sara). After Sara’s passing I
adopted crossbreed RR (Max) from the shelter. Then we brought Christopher, the
whippet who learned a lot from Max. Unfortunately Max was old, so he was with
Chris only one year. Lastly came my female ridgeback Safrane alias Nala. There
are four of us up till this day. Dogs are our family and we can’t imagine life
without them. MOYO SIMBA is a lifelong dream. I
can’t wait for our journey together.