Nala and I have really done a lot this year. At the beginning of the year, when it was not yet possible to travel to the exhibitions, she managed to meet the conditions and obtain the coursing license. We took advantage of it and at the coursing race for non-sighthounds in CZ Nala took 2nd place out of seven RR. Coursing makes her happy and we will definitely continue with the practices. As soon as it was possible we traveled to nearby Komárom HU for the exhibition. It was an amazing weekend. We brought home a HUNGARIAN CHAMPION, 2x BOS and 3x CACIB. We also tried hard to win the championship in our home country but we were not successful yet. However Nala was able to get 1x CAC, res CACIB, 6x RES CAC and at the club exhibitions she took 2x THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HEAD title and 3rd place.

To meet the requirements we still have to gain one last CAC. We also went abroad to Romania and brought home a ROMANIAN CHAMPION, 1x RES BIG, 2x BIG3, 2X CACIB and 3x BOB. We are now missing the last CACIB to qualify for the INTECHAMPION. We are very much looking forward to the season 2022.